Monday, October 8, 2007

10 yr old commits suicide because parents don't let him play video games!!!

A 10-year-old school boy committed suicide by jumping from his 19th floor apartment here after his parents banned him from playing computer games.

Andrei Smirnov, a class three student, jumped to his death yesterday after receiving the wrath of his parents due to bad conduct in school and a poor performance in studies.

The boy's class teacher had written remarks about his bad conduct in the school diary which he had tried to erase to escape the wrath of his parents, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid.

Angered by the teacher's remarks and their son's attempt to deceive them, Andrei's parents banned him from playing games on his computer.

The nr. 1 dugg comment on digg about this was " He must have thought he had an extra life left"
Sometimes people on the internet just make me sick.

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