Monday, March 17, 2008

Florida Senate passes droopy pants law

The Florida Senate wants public school students to pull up their pants. Lawmakers passed a bill Thursday that could mean suspensions for students with droopy britches

Florida could join several southern U.S. towns and cities that have passed “saggy pants” laws aimed at outlawing what some teenagers consider a fashion statement — wearing pants half way down their buttocks, exposing flesh or underwear.

Supporters say schools sometimes don’t properly police dress codes and parents are often “under aware” of what their kids are wearing to school…

Despite being the butt of jokes, the bill’s sponsor, Orlando Sen. Gary Siplin, a Democrat, has said the fashion statement has a back-story — it was made popular by rap artists after first appearing among prison inmates as a signal they were looking for sex.

Once again, Florida takes the lead. Even if it’s with behinds.

from Dvorak

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